
The Surgilube® blog and news updates are a great resource for you to learn more about our surgical lubricant.

The Use of Medical Lubricant in Forensic Sexual Assault Exams: A Review of Clinical Best Practice

Following the allegation of rape or sexual assault, it is common practice to have a rape-kit collected to aid in the prosecution of the perpetrator. Over the last few decades, accepted best practice has changed quite a bit. And, to help providers keep up with the changes, in today’s post, we will take the time…

Making Digital Disimpaction as Comfortable as Possible: Caring For Your Patients

Digital disimpaction, also referred to as digital fecal evacuation, manual fecal removal, manual evacuation, or rectal clear is probably one of the most uncomfortable procedures for patients and one of the least favored tasks of medical providers. Removing impacted feces is embarrassing for both parties and one of the few procedures that is difficult to…

Avoiding Contamination: Common Ways We Cross-Contaminate and How to Avoid It

As the medical profession advances, as does the awareness of cross-contamination and where germs are harbored. It is important to understand that bacteria and viruses are not the only things that are transferred from surface to surface and patient to patient. Food particles, medications or medical products, fibers, pests, and other substances can also be…

Making Tracheostomy Care As Comfortable As Possible: Caring For Your Patients

In the United States, there are more than 100,000 tracheostomy procedures performed each year. While less than 20% of these are permanent and will be discharged home with the patient, all tracheostomies will initially be cared for by the medical professional, namely nursing staff. A tracheostomy is a tube placed through the cricothyroid membrane, directly…

Caring for an Indwelling Foley Catheter – A Caretaker’s Guide to Supporting Patient Health and Safety

As a nurse, nursing assistant, or another healthcare professional or personal caretaker, there is a good chance that you will take care of patients who have an indwelling urinary catheter (IUC). The goal when caring for an IUC is keeping the patient safe and healthy. While IUCs are convenient for healthcare staff and help accurately…

A Review of Evidence-Based Research on CAUTI Prevention

Catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) are the most widely reported healthcare-associated infection (HAI). It is estimated that nearly 40% of HAI are CAUTI, leading central-line associated bloodstream infections, surgical site infections, and ventilator-associated pneumonia by wide margins. 75% of UTIs that are acquired in an acute care setting are attributed to indwelling urinary catheters (IUC)….

Caring For the Incontinent Patient

As a healthcare professional in any setting, at some point, you will provide care for a patient that is incontinent. Whether you are a nurse, physical therapist, or nurse assistant, you’ll have to modify your care plan to accommodate for their incontinence. As the primary care provider, your care will revolve around the incontinence and…

3 Reasons to Use Water Soluble Medical Lubricant

In the medical lubricant industry, there are many different varieties of products to choose from, each serving their purpose. The procedure you are performing and with what instruments will often dictate which lubricant you select. Join us in today’s post as we offer just three reasons to use water-soluble lubricants for all of your medical…

Making Suppository Use as Comfortable As Possible — A Patient’s Self-Care Guide

There are not too many times when a person is prescribed a suppository, that they are excited about it. However, suppositories offer much relief and benefits that oral medications cannot. In today’s post, we are going to review some suppository basics and tips to help make the administration of them more comfortable. All of the…

5 (Medical) Gifts Every New Parent Needs

When people find out that someone they know or love is expecting a new bundle of joy, they get excited about the adorable little shoes and the super soft teddy bears. Rather than overwhelming the parents-to-be with 100 more wearables or cutesy gifts they may or may not need, it is worth your money and…